Question Time

These are questions I have asked the relevant Minister during Senate Question Time:

Cost of Health Care
29 March 2022
Senator GRIFF (South Australia) (14:29): My question is to Senator Colbeck, the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care, and it relates to...
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation
9 February 2022
Senator GRIFF (South Australia) (14:27): My question is to Senator Hume, representing the minister for communications.
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30 November 2021
Senator GRIFF (South Australia) (14:25): My question is to Minister Payne, representing the Minister for Defence.
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Pet Food Safety
24 November 2021
Senator GRIFF (South Australia) (14:22): My question is to Senator McKenzie, representing the Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia.
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19 October 2021
Senator GRIFF (South Australia) (14:26): [by video link] My question is to Senator Colbeck, representing the minister for health, and it relates to tobacco control...
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Animal Welfare
1 September 2021
Senator GRIFF (South Australia) (14:23): My question is to Senator McKenzie, representing the Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia.
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Australian Defence Force
24 August 2021
Senator GRIFF (South Australia) (14:23): [by video link] My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Defence, Senator Payne.
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Covid-19: Vaccination
11 August 2021
Senator GRIFF (South Australia): My question is to Senator Colbeck, representing the Minister for Health, and relates to the vaccine rollout and booster shots.
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