Statements & Motions

These are Statements and Motions that I have sought Senate approval for in parliament:

Newborn Blood Spot Screening
29 March 2022
Newborn blood spot screening, known as the heel prick test, has been a vital tool to protect the health of newborn Australians since the 1960s.
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10 February 2022
The government will soon release the new State of the environment report, an independent five-yearly assessment of our environment.
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Industry Research Grants
9 February 2022
The Prime Minister recently announced more funding for industry linked research, including hundreds of new industry PhDs and fellowships. This is a welcome commitment.
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Australian Broadcasting Corporation
8 February 2022
Of everything the ABC is known for, nothing is more important to Australians and to Australian democracy than its news service.
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Foreign Aid
2 December 2021
Many Australians agree that we have an obligation to support less-developed countries. Some see this as a moral duty to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
30 November 2021
Today marks the beginning of an important national awareness campaign about the dangers of drinking while pregnant.
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29 November 2021
Over the last two years Australia's engagement with its Public Service has changed enormously.
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Pet Food Industry
25 November 2021
For close to four years now I've been raising the issue of unsafe pet food, the pets who have died, the manufacturers who were responsible...
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